Welcome, to those who dare visit

I’ve always had an interest in creating content of some type, whether it’s a blog, an online listing of sort, or just a portal to vent. This my friends, is that place, where I’ll cover discussions of my work, my home projects, my fitness interests, my podcast and much more. Hopefully a part of this fits with what is driving you in your daily life; I’m just happy that you’re along with me on the ride.

What’s next?

I’m currently thinking of putting together a series in order to follow my AWS certification training, something to be helpful to the community and also as a journal of sorts for my own utilization.

image of AWS

As one can tell, the ability for AWS to be complicated is a no brainer, but simplicity is also there for any beginning users:

image of Single EC2

So where to start? I’m thinking about beginning with some wonderful study information that I got from my buddy Bryan Krausen. He wrote a great tutorial series which I plan on mimicking during my certification plan - http://www.itdiversified.com/aws-certifications-where-to-start/.
I’ll start in the same fashion that he did with the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification. From there, who knows.

Final thoughts for today

I’ve taken a new position recently (a whopping 7 weeks in) with my new company, which has been challenging and invigorating. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up with the tasks given to me and the desire to grow out of my old infrastructure ways. As they say, every journey begins with a single step.

Matt Hoyt is a current IT Architect in Columbus, OH. All thoughts displayed here are his and his alone.