Current routine

My goals for this current cycle are pretty simple, to get more strength in my squats to hopefully transfer to my olympic lifting, the snatch and clean and jerk. How am I going about it?

month 1
week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
Day 1: 255 x 10 265 x 10 275 x 10 3 x 235 x 10
2 x 225 x 10 3 x 230 x 10 4 x 235 x 10
Day 2: 3 x 225 x 10 4 x 230 x 10 5 x 235 x 10 3 x 235 x 10
Day 3: 3 x 225 x 10 4 x 230 x 10 5 x 235 x 10 3 x 235 x 10

Lots of work. I’m following some methodology around the Juggernaut training method, where the first month is a scaling hypertrophy phase, increasing both weight and volume during the entire cycle. As of writing this, I’m on week 3, day 1 and this will by far be the hardest week of the program in month 1. I’m definitely feeling the strength gain, but it is exhausting. Looking forward to being able to get a deload week and get some needed recovery.

month 2
week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4
Day 1: 305 x 6 315 x 6 325 x 6 3 x 285 x 6
2 x 275 x 6 2 x 280 x 6 2 x 285 x 6
Day 2: 3 x 275 x 6 3 x 280 x 6 3 x 285 x 6 3 x 285 x 6
Day 3: 3 x 275 x 6 3 x 280 x 6 3 x 285 x 6 3 x 285 x 6

With this phase, I’m focusing more on increasing weight and keeping the volume the same. I’ll still be getting some hypertrophy, but for the most part I’ll just be building strength.

Here’s where I actually get to work on it:

Garage Gym

Don’t mind the mess, I’ve cleaned it up quite a bit!

The last month is going to be heavy singles, but I’m going to wait for month 2 to come to a close before I prescribe a weight there. I’m really leaning on month 2 to be the baseline for where I think I can take my 1RM and push the limits with the drop sets of higher weight also.

I’ll keep posting on this as I go along to keep you all posted!

Matt Hoyt is a current IT Architect in Columbus, OH. All thoughts displayed here are his and his alone.